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Theodoulou House no. 19, W. Weir Street and 5 Corais Street P.O. Box 409656308 Larnaca - CYPRUS TEL.: 357-24656318, 357-24653111 Fax: 357-24-623215
Dr. Christos A. Theodoulou is a Barrister –at-law (Lincoln’s Inn, London) and has a licence and doctorat (Ph.D) in political science from the Institut Universitaire de Hautes Etudes Internationales, of Geneva, Switzerland.
In the early years of his career, he served as Human Rights Officer at the UN Secretariat in New York for two years and later as a lecturer at the Pantios University in Athens , Greece. He is the author of many books and articles in three languages and a known political commentator in Cyprus.
His law offices in Cyprus specialize in all matters of intellectual property, trademarks, patents, copyright including filing and prosecuting of trademarks, patents and litigation. Dr. Theodoulou has appeared before the Cyprus Courts in most leading trademark and patent cases in Cyprus.
He is a member of the principal trademark and patent associations in the world, delegate for the independent members of Europe and Africa in AIPPI, member of the Council of the Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office (EPI) since 1998 (having been member of its Board from 1998- May 2008), member of the Council of the European Communities Trademark Association (ECTA) and also a member of Committees of EPI and ECTA. He was a member of the Legal Council of Cyprus (1987-1989).
Dr. Theodoulou is, among other, the President of the Theodoulou Foundation, a family non-profit foundation, which deals with major local and international matters; he is the President of the United Nations Association of Cyprus and Member of the Executive Committee of the World Federation of the United Nations Associations (WFUNA); a member of the Board of Directors of the Cypriot Centre for the European and International Affairs of the University of Nicosia; a former President of the Societa Dante Alighieri (Comitato de Cipro); a past President of the Rotary Club of Larnaca. He was also a Vice–President of the Cyprus-Swiss Association and of the Larnaca Branch of the “Alliance Française”.
He is a member of the WIPO Panel of Neutrals (Arbitration and Mediation Centre) and he has given many decisions on domain names, under this capacity, such as Fnac Vs Gauthier Raymond, decision on December 15, 2004, Credit Industriel et Commercial S.A., Banque Scalbert Dupont S.A. v. LaPorte Holdings, Inc., decision on 31st March, 2005, Alliance & Leicester Plc v Henao Berenice, decision on 13th September 2005, Speedo Holdings BV v. LAKS Cartegena Handels GmbH, decision on 27th February 2006, F. Hoffmann La Roche AG v. Eugenia Moskovchu, decision on 6th June 2006, F. Hoffmann La Roche AG v. Martha Sypkens, decision on 6th June 2006, F. Hoffmann La Roche AG v. N/A, decision on 21st June 2006, DFDS A/S v. Noldcinc, decision on 13th October, 2006, Sonofon A/S Vs Vladimir Aleksia, decision on July 5, 2007. Further, Dr. Christos A. Theodoulou is a mediator (Panel of Neutrals) of the International Trademark Association (INTA) of the U.S.A. He was also appointed as an arbitrator in International and Cypriot cases. He was eg arbitrator appointed by the International Court of Arbitration in the case of Air Algerie v. International Guardian Transport Ltd in 2006.
He writes every week in various Cypriot newspapers and he is frequently invited as an expert in radio and television programmes.
He is married to Clelia, Attorney of the Republic, and he has 2 sons, Achilleas (born in 1970) an accountant, who lives in London and Sozos-Christos (born in 1978) a lawyer in his Law Firm.
He speaks and writes Greek, English, French and German.
(See also: Guide to the World’s leading Experts in Trade Mark Law, London Euromoney Publications PLC, 1996, p.15)
Dr. Theodoulou is the author of many books and articles in various magazines and specialized reviews. His book “Greece and the Entente, 1914-1916” was acclaimed as a landmark in the field of First World War History.
Selected Bibliography (by members of the Firm) On Intellectual Property: 1. Books: C.A. Theodoulou, Intellectual Property Law Monograph on Cyprus to be published in the near future by Kluwer Law International Baker and McKenzie, Famous Trade Marks, London: Baker and McKenzie, 1998 (C.A. Theodoulou, the chapter on Cyprus) Katzarov’s Manual on Industrial Property, Geneva: Katzarov, 2008 (C.A. Theodoulou, the chapter on Cyprus) Olsen J. R. and Maniatis S. M., Trade Marks, Trade Names and Unfair Competition: World Law and Practice, London: FT Law and Tax, 1996 (C.A. Theodoulou, the chapter on Cyprus) Country Guides, Cyprus, an INTA Publication (contributor: C.A. Theodoulou) Articles: C.A. Theodoulou, ‘Trade Marks Law and Practice in Cyprus’, Coopers and Lybrand, Spotlight on Cyprus, (1995), p.21 C.A., Theodoulou ‘Cyprus, part “B” Abolished. More Types of Marks Registrable’, INTA Bulletin, March 15, 2001, Vol. 56, No. 6, p. 4 C.A., Theodoulou ‘Amendment of Trade Mark Law of Cyprus’, ITMA Information , No. 2/2001, March 2001, p.3 C.A., Theodoulou ‘The Cyprus Trademark Law at the time of joining the European Union’, ECTA Gazette, No. 51, Autumn 2004, p. 49 C.A. Theodoulou, ‘Report of EPC2000 Seminar in Nicosia’, EPI Information, No. 4/2007, December 2007, p. 138 The Law Offices of Dr. Christos A. Theodoulou, ‘Cyprus Supreme Court Overrules Patent Office’, CIPA magazine, September 2007, Vol. 36, No. 9, p.487 S. – C. Theodoulou, ‘Présentation Générale du Droit de la Propriété Intellectuelle à Chypre’, presented in the Programme ONU/UNITAR de Bourses at the Hague Academy of International Law, 2003. On History, Law, International Relations etc.: 1. Books: C.A. Theodoulou, Greece and the Entente, August 1 1914 - September 25 1916. Salonica (Greece), Institute for Balkan Studies, 1971, d+XXIII+381 pp. 2 maps. An edition in the Greek language is going to appear soon. C.A. Theodoulou, Theses. The International and Cypriot Political Life (1957-1970) (in Greek) Nicosia (Cyprus), Chelka, 1971, 107 pp. C.A. Theodoulou, U.N. (United Nations) (Both in Greek and in English), Athens, Hestia, 1975. (It appeared also in Nomiko Vima, 3rd Ed., Nicosia, Cyprus Bar Association, 2007). S. – C. Theodoulou, Bases militaires en droit international: le cas de Chypre, Mannheim/Möhnesee, Bibliopolis, 2006. Articles: C.A. Theodoulou, “Quelques Aspects de la Crise Chypriote Actuelle”, in: Politique Etrangere (Paris, France), 1972, Vol. 2, pp. 221-233. C.A. Theodoulou, “The 1915 British Offer of Cyprus to Greece in the light of the War in the Balkans”, in: Epeteris (Year Book) of the Center for Scientific Research (of Cyprus), IV, 1970-1971 pp. 417-430. C.A. Theodoulou, “Greek - Cypriot Manifestations of Allegiance to Greece and British reactions (1915-1916)”, in: Kypriakai Spoudai (Cypriot Studies), 1971. C.A. Theodoulou, book – review article (on Cyprus), in Annales d’ Etudes Internationales (of the Graduate Institute of International Studies of Geneva, Switzerland), 1972, Vol. 3. C.A.Theodoulou, book – reviews in Balkan Studies (of Salonica, Greece), 1971, Vol. 12 (I) on Greece, in the Egyptian Review of International Law, 1972 (on Cyprus) etc. S. – C. Theodoulou, “The UN General Assembly and Treaty – Making: An Overview” in Nomiko Vima, 3rd Ed., Nicosia, Cyprus Bar Association, 2007. |
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