B. Patents in Cyprus For the moment, the Patent Law of Cyprus is CAP.266, which dates back tï the time of the British occupation. The system is now a re-registration of an English patent indicating Great Britain. Thus: a) Á patent cannot be registered in Cyprus unless it is first registered in England or has a European registration with U.K origin (indicating Britain. b) The application for the registration of the patent in Cyprus must be made within three years from the date of the sealing of the patent in England. However, Cyprus has recently (December 1997) entered the European Patent Of f ice (ÅÑ0) and has just become a member of the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT). There is a Bill for a new Patent Law in the House of Representatives in Cyprus and it is expected that the new Patent Law is going to be enacted in Cyprus in 1998. One can apply to the Cyprus courts for actions for infringements of patents and our Offices have appeared in many important cases for patent infringement in the Cyprus courts as also for numerous important cases of passing-off and trademark and copyright infringement.
CYPRUS PATENTS LAW no. 16(I) 98 (1st April, 1998) and Amending Law. On 1st April, 1998, the New Patent Law of Cyprus has been enacted and is Law no.16 (I) 98 and Amending Law. According to the New Law, a Great Britain patent ( or a EP (UK) patent) which was pending on 1st April, 1998, can be re-registered in Cyprus within 18 months from its grant according to the Old Cyprus Patent Law( Cap. 266) as mentioned above. Patent Annuities are not only payable for patents under the New Law but also for re-registered Great Britain and EP (UK) patents as from 1st April, 1998. The main provisions of our April, 1998 new Patents Law and amending Law are the following:
Section 32 of our New Patent Law provides: “ A certificate shall be granted if at the date of the application:
Section 36 of our New Patent Law provides:
Section 37 of our new Patent Law provides: The application for a certificate shall contain: a. a request for the grant of a certificate, stating in particular
b. a copy of the authorization to place the product on the market, as referred to in Article 32(b), in which the product is identified, containing in particular the number and the date of the authorization and the summary of the product characteristics. c. if the authorization referred to in (b) is not the first authorization for placing the product on the market as a product in the market information regarding the identity of the product thus authorized and the legal provision under which the authorization procedure took place” Section 42 of the New Patent Law provides:
Section 48 of the New Patent Law Provides:
The successful plaintiff is entitled to damages, and injunction, a permanent order and other remedies, as in usual cases.
According to these Rules Patent Annuities are paid from the 3rd year of protection up to the 20th year and there are also annual fees payable for the SPCs from the 21st to the 25th year of Protection.
* Amended, from 6 months to 18 months, after our own proposal by an amending Law of March 1999. |
Theodoulou House No. 1 9, W. Weir Street and 5 Corais Street lst Floor, P.O. Box 40965 6308 LARNACA- CYPRUS |
Tel: 357-24656318,
357-24653111 Fax: 357-24623215