Theodoulou House no. 1

9, W. Weir Street and 5 Corais Street

P.O. Box 40965

6308 Larnaca - CYPRUS

TEL.: 357-24656318, 357-24653111

Fax: 357-24-623215




The Law Offices of Dr. Christos A. Theodoulou, an all purpose firm

Besides the strong Intellectual Property Department, the Law Offices of Dr. Christos A. THEODOULOU is a general Law firm, offering a complete set of legal services in Cyprus and in some cases, in Greece, Tunisia, the Middle East region and internationally.

Dr. Christos A. Theodoulou is a lawyer, legal consultant and litigator (barrister-at-law). Under his leadership in Court, the firm appeared in many important cases both for the private sector and also for the public sector. Below, are some of the cases in which the firm appeared in various fields:

 A. For the Municipality of Larnaca

  1. In the District Court of Larnaca, Municipality of Larnaca v Helen Anastassatou Kay, case which was fought also on appeal in the Supreme Court of Cyprus (Criminal Appeal no. 4149 of 23 June, 1980).

  2. In the District Court of Larnaca, Municipality of Larnaca v Petros Madellas, case which was fought also on appeal in the Supreme Court of Cyprus (Criminal Appeal no. 4300 of 6 July, 1982).

  3. In the Supreme Court of Cyprus, Municipality of Larnaca v Nakis Bonded Warehouse Ltd. (case no. 268/1982, 28 May 1985).

 B. For the District Office of Larnaca:

 The firm acted as the lawyers for the District Office of Larnaca in many cases.

 C. For the Medical Services and Public Health Services:

 In the Supreme Court of Cyprus, Medical Services and Public Health Services v Minas Mina, Criminal Appeal no. 5339, 11 March, 1991.

 D. In cases of private individuals, important cases which form part of the case      law are e.g.

 In the District Court of Larnaca, Couppas v Vassiliades (1981) 1JSC 120 and the case of Jack George.

 In the Supreme Court of Cyprus, Recourse of Fani Kalli Lefkaritis.

 In the Supreme Court of Cyprus, Recourse of Lefkaritis Bros Ltd.

 In the Supreme Court of Cyprus, Shahe’s Shipping Co. Ltd v Gerald Brian Sewell.

 In the Supreme Court of Cyprus, Konias v Chaoul.

 In the Supreme Court of Cyprus, Vassilios Nicolaou Antoniades Maittas v Panayiotis Georgiou and other, Civil Appeal no. 8499.

EThe firm appeared in the following successful Certiorari cases:

  1. In the Supreme Court of Cyprus, Application of Clelia Theodoulou and Nontas Tombolis for issue of a prerogative order of Certiorari, application no. 13/89, 15 April, 1989.

  2. In the Supreme Court of Cyprus, Application by Lavrentis Demetriou for issue of a prerogative order of Certiorari.

F. Some Trade Mark cases in Court in which the firm appeared:

  1.  In the Supreme Court of Cyprus, Louis Vuitton v Dermosac Ltd. and another (1992) 1BCLR 1453. 

  2. In the Supreme Court of Cyprus, McDonald’s Corporation v Andreas
    Papapetrou and others, Civil Appeal no. 7669, 10 September 1992.

  3. In the Supreme Court of Cyprus, Fournier Innovation et Synergie v The Registrar of Trademarks, case no. 204/1991, 21 April, 1992.

G. Some Patent Cases in which the Firm appeared:

  1. In the District Court of Limassol, Janssen Pharmaceutica B.V. v Medochemie Ltd., case no. 281/86.

  2. In the Supreme Court of Cyprus, G. M. Platritis and Co. and Others v Computer Patent Annuities and Others, Civil Appeal no. 7096, 4th March, 1988.

  3. In the Supreme Court of Cyprus, Emory University v The Republic of Cyprus through the Registrar of Patents, recourse no. 1687/2005 (cited also in CIPA magazine, September 2007, Vol. 36, No.9, p. 487).   

H. The firm got also Anton Piller Orders, as in the Scrabble case.

I. The firm litigates in the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg and the case of Maro Louca v Cyprus (judgement issued on 2nd August, 2000) is a landmark case for trial within a reasonable time. 

Also the firm is engaged in the fight against counterfeiting through inter alia the Customs and the Courts.

The firm registers also domain names and industrial designs.


The Law Offices of Dr. Christos A. Theodoulou are located on Theodoulou House, a building owned by the founder of the firm.

The following entities are also housed in the Theodoulou House:

  1. The Theodoulou Foundation:

    This is a non-profit foundation of the Theodoulou family, presided over by Dr. Christos A. Theodoulou, which deals with major local and international matters. 
  2. The Theodoulou Library

    This is one of the richest and most important private libraries of Cyprus comprising, among other, books of Law, Political Science, history, economics, psychology, literature, poetry and art in 8 languages. 
  3. Various Associations

    The Larnaca Branch of the United Nations Association of Cyprus and other associations.


The Firm Trade Marks Law
& Practice in Cyprus
in Cyprus
Copyright matters
 in Cyprus